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Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Tiberium Alliances Simulation Screen Problem

If you are using the Tiberium Alliances Combat Simulator (TACS) on Firefox, you might experience a problem in the simulator screen. Sometimes, the screen would be "moved" left by about an inch, preventing you from witnessing the simulation for that "inch of a column". (See the image below)

I have tried updating Firefox, Greasemonkey, and even the TACS script from version 2.1 to 3.0 beta. But the issue has remained.

Through experimentation, I just tried minimizing the browser window using the 2-rectagles button at the top right corner of the browser, then maximizing again. (If you want to use a keyboard shortcut in Windows 7, use the Win key + down arrow to minimize, and Win key + up arrow to maximize). Finally, the simulation screen went back to normal. I hope this solution will be able to help you out in case you are experiencing the same problem.

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