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Saturday, August 4, 2018

Annoying Google Ads In The Middle of Google Play Games

Google seems to have made recent changes on Android phones. Their ads are suddenly appearing in the middle of a game. I wouldn't mind it if the game was Chess which takes a long time. But if the game were Clash Royale, where 5 seconds of delay can cost you the match - this ad ruins the user experience on a phone running on Google Android. I wonder if the higher ups of Google took this into account before they approved the ad changes with Google Play.

Instead of the ads appealing to a user, I think it creates more detest every time the ad appears on screen. It hurts the Google brand. And while some websites may attribute the ad to possible malware, the fact that the ad has Google's signature on it means that Google is still behind it.

So, this is an appeal to Google from a user. Please change the way you place your ads in your Google Play applications. A Clash Royale match lasts for a few minutes. Being interrupted in the middle of a match can turn the tide and result in a loss. The ad cannot be closed immediately because Google has integrated a 5 second delay before you can press on the close button. The ad can show up before the application starts or after the user closes the application.

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