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Monday, March 23, 2020

COVID 19 Enhanced Community Quarantine

We have just finished a week under a community quarantine. Most weeks seem to breeze by so fast. But this particular week seemed to last like an eternity. Our family has been glued to every information source - the radio, television, and the internet - just to learn as much as possible about the virus and how the government is addressing the situation.

I can't help but wonder about the following:
  • How long can the rest of the world remain in a state of quarantine? I understand that the quarantine is supposed to slow down the spread of the virus. But if people cannot work and buy food, then they might die of starvation instead. A government can only supply food as long as their are stocks. Worse, being in a state of quarantine could lead to civil unrest which could lead to riots, increased crime rates, and anarchy.
  • There has been so much emphasis on testing if one has been infected by the virus. But chances are, at some point, everyone would have already been infected because the virus continues to spread even if countries have implemented lock downs. Will countries reach a point where they will have to kill their own citizens to prevent the spread of the disease? I have probably been watching too many apocalyptic world scenarios where only doomsday preppers survive. Instead of mass testing, perhaps the government should focus on finding a cure. And while that is taking time, they should try to increase the immunity of the people and the capacity of health services to take care of their patients. What use is finding out that you have the virus when hospitals are full and will only end up turning you away. It seems like biotech companies are only seeing these test kits as a money making opportunity. Perhaps the owners of these biotech companies should be exposed to the virus so that they realize how useless it is to have all the money they can amass when their health is affected.
  • Is this the global problem that the antichrist will solve? This virus problem will probably affect the global economy. Being under quarantine has given government authorities a reason to prevent anyone from buying and selling. Only individuals with a pass issued by the government will be allowed to purchase. And authorities are pushing for electronic means of payment since the virus can supposedly be passed on through objects like paper money and coins. So, this virus or similar events in the future might force everyone to comply with a global system of payment and tracking individuals. Refuse to receive their mark or pass will mean starvation.
There is always hope in Jesus. That is what I choose to believe even when the situation seems grim. As Christians, if we die because of this virus, we know that we have a place in heaven. God may be using this virus as a wake up call for people to busy with this earthly life. God may be reminding each and everyone of us that there is more to life than amassing wealth, popularity, or power. We have to give an account for how we lived our life on the day of judgement. Did we use our lives for God's glory? Did we lead others to Jesus? Or did we only live for our own selfish pursuits? I hope that if you are reading this, you would surrender your life to Jesus for He is the only one who can give us hope and peace in troubled times. And even if you die because of this virus, you are assured that Jesus has prepared a place for you to live with Him in eternity. That knowledge helps us continue living on because our lives are in His hands.

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