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Monday, January 23, 2012

Alteil: Fierce

Alteil launched 2 new EX cards a couple of days ago. One is High Lava Giant / Bolbaron, and the other is the focus of today's post, Roar of Pain / Fierce. Alteil also made Catira and Rileira available in the card shop as half-boxes for 1000 gran per pack. If you are trying to complete a Catira Set, this would be an opportunity to do so. That card is a must have for Refess players who want to be competitive in the current Folrart environment. But I digress.

So let's take a look at Fierce.

In my opinion, cards like Fierce are gimmick cards. They are intended for specific types of decks, and in this case, Fierce is so specific to a Wild Dog deck. So if you are the type of player who can afford to burn money, then popping 3000 gran for a set might not be an issue for you. You'll be one of the few players who has access to a Wild Dog deck, and will probably have that proud feeling of not running meta like most of the crowd.

There are only 5 wild dog cards in the game to date, including Fierce. His open skill Fierce Howl is useful for both Shadow Hound (Start Skill will deal 50 damage to a random enemy unit when focused) and Summoned Hound (Auto Skill will deal 40 damage to a random enemy unit when focused).

If combined with "battletime night" cards, Fierce is able to auto heal, and his stats become boosted tremendously. If Black Hound Master is in play, AGI ant ATK get +10 boosts. So you have a possible AGI=5, ATK=60, HP=70 front liner. His Scar Strike skill is not limited by his range, and if the opponent has cards with 10 HP or lower like salamander, sylph or shade, Fierce gets rid of that for you too.

I've yet to encounter a player in Folrart using Fierce. But the promise of having a unique deck awaits those who are willing to invest in him.

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