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Thursday, April 5, 2012

Alteil: Deep Squid

Believe it or not, Deep Squid is one part of Alteil's Set 1 cards. I bet its previous stats and skills were mediocre. I don't even really remember any of these anymore, except I think, and I may be wrong, it was originally a level 4 card. But now,  it is good to see some old cards getting some playing time in the Folrart Arena after being buffed. Let's take a look at the new and improved Deep Squid (DS), shall we?

So now, DS is a level 6 card with high HP and Agility, and a decent ATK and RNG. Pluck from the Surface is a really cool start skill, making DS comparable to Belus, a 4-star card. Sure, there's the requirement that DS be all alone on your field. And if you're packing returns, as long as you can keep the unit match ups at 1-vs-1 or even 2-vs-1, you can maintain the upper hand.

With the release of Falkow EX 10, DS has been used in Gardia / EX Rubia decks. Tentacle Slap works nicely with Gardia and Rubia's minor damage dealing abilities. Being able to pinpoint 20 damage twice makes short work of a rush deck in most cases.

I've also seen a Big Blue deck working in DS. Whatever Lightning Wyvern leaves in play can be pretty much wiped off by DS, and the high HP helps it survive Lightning Wyvern's penalty. Some variants also have  Storm Wizardess, (another great 2-star card), who's engaging open skill works great against character based decks. And the three-peat direct damage of 20 will work well with DS's pinpointing.

Getting a complete set of DS might be tough though unless they make it the Card of the Week or you are willing to give up 60 point cards, the equivalent of a 5-star card. And I think I recycled my set months ago for an EX event which I now regret. This just goes to show that it may be prudent to keep some of your completed card sets in tack. You never know if the people behind Alteil will buff that specific set of cards.

Perhaps Alteil staff should also consider "re-printing" the old cards into the new sets, with better artwork too. Instead of the cartoony version of DS, they could place a realistic / life-like rendition. This was something Magic Player's appreciated with every release of an N-th edition of the basic set. Die hard player's would buy new packs to get copies of cards they already had, if it had better artwork. Great artwork can sometimes revitalize a card game. Good artists is something that seems to be lacking with Alteil's current sets. I know that we have the seasonal art change, but if you could allow players the chance to always keep the art, that would be great too. Just my two cents worth.

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